In the context of the 2023 meeting of European Network of Research integrity, ENRIO 2023, organised in Paris at the Jussieu campus of Sorbonne University on 7th and 8th September, several activities were organised by HYBRIDA members. Panagiotis Kavouras presented a synoptic poster capturing all the main issues raised by research on organoids and how the different work packages of HYBRIDA address these issues. On Friday 8thSeptember around 12 people gathered for a 1h30 workshop dedicated to discuss the analysis, results and proposals of WP2 and WP5. Workshop participants were coming from Canada, France, Ghana, Germany, Greece, Nigeria, Norway. They were either active members of ethics committees (Luxembourg, France, Greece, UNESCO’s IBC) or trainees ‘s (PhD students or post-docs). The work already delivered by HYBRIDA was very positively recognised. Questions came on the way to implement the newly proposed Health Technology Assessment (HTA) methods (visionary HTA) and the Operational Guidelines (OGLs), particularly how to access and store the questionnaires concerning the metadata associated with organoids. A main issue was also the informed consent and the difficult question of its withdrawal considering the amount of work and engineering of organoids. The innovative proposals such as the consent for governance of biobanks and the role of a third party representing the donors of cells or human tissues, and the proposal of anticipating what donors could accept or not with the donor’s wish list, were highly supported. Finally, on Friday 8th afternoon, WP4 organised a focus group meeting to deepen several issues of the latest draft of OGLs. Here again before any remark and proposal to improve our text, the 10 people gathered unanimously recognised the importance of the work and its quality. Fruitful comments will help us to improve the document.