
Researchers in the field of organoids

Short term impacts

Recognition of “blind spots” in their day to day research practices, with respect to the reliability of experimental results.

Increased awareness and understanding of the ECoC and its principles and practices.

Understanding of the ethical issues raised by organoid research and organoid-related technologies.

Medium term impacts

Enhanced understanding of how to act and with whom to engage with regard to RE and RI issues.
Improvement of research practices through the use of clear and relevant operational guidelines.

Long term impacts

Development of professional standards relevant to organoid research and organoid-related technologies in full alignment with the highest standards of RE and RI.

Building of a research culture that promotes knowledge of RE and RI as an integral part of professional expertise and their effective application in day-to-day work.

Research Ethics Committees

Short term impacts

Identification of unresolved or yet unrecognized ethical challenges and of possible ways to deal with them. Cultivation of a more informed reflection on organoid research.

Medium term impacts

Integration into national and institutional Ethics frameworks parts of HYBRIDA’s normative propositions thus enabling. RECs to deal in a more informed way with organoid related issues.

Long term impacts

Enhanced ability to deal with the full breadth of RE issues related to organoid research and organoid-related technologies.

Research Integrity Offices

Short term impacts

Recognition of relevant RI issues and identification of possible ways to deal with these issues. Development of professional standards more relevant to organoid research.

Medium term impacts

Integration into national and institutional RI guidelines parts of the HYBRIDA Code for responsible conduct thus enabling RIOs to deal in a more informed way with organoid related issues.

Long term impacts

Enhanced ability to deal with the full breadth of RI issues related to organoid research and organoid-related technologies.

Research administrators

Short term impacts

Through support of research projects and funding applications involving organoids, awareness will be raised about the particularities of this kind of research.

Medium term impacts

Support of the quality and integrity of organoid research in a scientifically informed manner for the benefit of researchers, RPOs and RFOs.

Long term impacts

Support of the quality and integrity of organoid research in a scientifically and ethically informed manner for the benefit of society.

Research Funding Organisations

Short term impacts

Increased awareness of the challenges organoid researchers, RECs and RIOs currently face.

Medium term impacts

Increased consensus between RFOs, RECs, RIOs and researchers with regard to funding and evaluation processes of organoid research.

Long term impacts

Funding of research that complies with the highest standards of RE and RI.

Health Technology Assessment Bodies

Short term impacts

Identification of “blind spots” in current methods of HTA with regard to organoid research.

Medium term impacts

Further development of methods of HTA to assess organoids as health technology.

Long term impacts

Enhancement of policy making procedures, by providing reliable methods of HTA for assessing qualitative and quantitative uncertainties in technologies with potential high socio-economic impact. Increased support of the field of technoscience at large.

Legal experts

Short term impacts

Identification of unresolved or yet unrecognized regulatory challenges and collaboration with HYBRIDA beneficiaries to develop possible ways to deal with them.

Medium term impacts

Integration into national regulatory frameworks parts of HYBRIDA’s normative propositions enabling a more efficient and informed monitoring and governance of organoid research.

Long term impacts

Enhanced ability to deal with the full breadth of regulatory issues related to organoid research and organoid-related technologies.

Practitioners in clinical care

Short term impacts

Identification of their expectations and concerns related to organoid research and raised awareness of issues related to RE and RI.

Medium term impacts

Integration in clinical care of knowledge and procedures generated by organoid research that might improve the outcomes of the services provided.

Long term impacts

Improvement of clinical care.

Biobank curators

Short term impacts

Increased understanding of the concerns of donors and REC members in an open and transparent way.

Medium term impacts

Integration of more transparent and efficient guidelines/procedures for benefit sharing, informed consent and property rights in Biobanks.

Long term impacts

Increased access of biobank users; advancing the ability of medical science to apply research in a multitude of fields.


Short term impacts

Increased awareness among donors about the effort being made by the EC to listen to their concerns with respect to benefit sharing, informed consent and property rights.

Medium term impacts

Trust building and enhancement of the number of donors.

Long term impacts

Creation of an environment where donors and researchers will have a transparent way to interact.

Policy makers

Short term impacts

Identification of “blind spots” of decision making processes pertaining to organoid research and related technologies.

Medium term impacts

Increased consensus between poli­cy makers, RECs, RIOs and researchers, leading to more effective policies.

Long term impacts

Harmonisation of informed decision making policies across the field of technologies with high socio-economic impact.

Civil Society Organisations

Short term impacts

Increased knowledge exchange, dialogue and debate on organoids through participation in HYBRIDA’s mini-publics. A possibility to voice concerns.

Medium term impacts

Increased empowerment and knowledge level and greater influence on debates and decision-making processes related to organoid research and related technologies.

Long term impacts

Trust building and strengthening of the role of CSOs in the science-society relationship.

Patients/Patient organizations

Short term impacts

Identification of “blind spots” of decision-making processes related to organoid research, through engagement in HYBRIDA.

Medium term impacts

Increased consensus around ethical issues and regulations pertaining to organoid research and related technologies.

Long term impacts

Increased trust between research institutions and patients/patient organizations with regard to RE and RI standards used in organoid research and related technologies.

Vulnerable groups

Short term impacts

Identification of perceived concerns and increased understanding of potential benefits and possible pitfalls of organoid research and related technologies.

Medium term impacts

Increased empowerment and knowledge level and greater influence on debates and decision-making processes related to organoid research and related technologies.

Long term impacts

Increased trust between research institutions and vulnerable groups with regard to RE and RI standards used in organoid research and in the production of organoid-related technologies.

General public

Short term impacts

Identification of perceived concerns and increased understanding of potential benefits and possible pitfalls of organoid research and related technologies.

Medium term impacts

Increased empowerment and knowledge level and greater influence on debates and decision-making processes related to organoid research and related technologies.

Long term impacts

Increased trust between research institutions and the general public with regard to RE and RI standards used in organoid research and in the production of organoid-related technologies.

Science Journalists

Short term impacts

Being actively involved in conveying to the public the up-to-date developments in the field of organoids research in a collected and without exaggerations way.

Medium term impacts

Increased trust of society in non-academic articles and other types publications.

Long term impacts

Becoming a considerable mediator between scientists and society regarding their considerations on emerging technologies and their challenges.