
Søren Holm

Coordinator since September 1, 2022 and WP6 Lead

Professor of Bioethics, Centre for Social Ethics and Policy, Department of Law, School of Social Sciences, University of Manchester, UK & Professor of Medical Ethics II, University of Oslo

Søren Holm

Department of Law, School of Social Sciences University of Manchester / University of Oslo


Søren Holm is a Danish medical doctor and philosopher and holds a PhD and a higher Danish doctorate in medical ethics. He has been working on research ethics and the ethics of new technologies in medicine for more than 30 years. He has research experience in both conceptual and empirical bioethics, and has been a member of a number of official bioethics bodies including the Danish Council of Ethics and the Nuffield Council on Bioethics. He is the current Editor in Chief of the journal Clinical Ethics and a former Editor in Chief of the Journal of Medical Ethics.

Dr. Jan Helge Solbakk

Coordinator until August 31, 2022

Professor and Head of Research, Centre for Medical Ethics, Institute of Health and Society, Faculty of medicine, University of Oslo; Leader of the Ethics work platform of the Hybrid Technology Hub, Faculty of Medicine University of Oslo

Dr. Jan Helge Solbakk

Institute of Health and Society, Faculty of medicine University of Oslo

A medical doctor and theologian by degree with a PhD in Ancient Greek Philosophy. Since 1996, he has been Professor of medical ethics at Centre for Medical Ethics, University of Oslo. Between 1996 and 2011, he was Associate Professor of medical ethics and philosophy of science at the Centre for International Health, University of Bergen. In 2007 and 2008, Solbakk was Head of the UNESCO Bioethics Programme, UNESCO Headquarters, Paris. In the period of 2010-2013, he chaired the Ethics and Public Policiy Committee of the International Society for Stem Cells Research (ISSCR). Solbakk serves as an ethics expert for various international organizations (UNESCO, the European Commission, the European and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership, and the Council of Europe). Solbakk has numerous publications and has participated/is involved in various international research and capacity building projects relating to bioethics teaching, research ethics and integrity in research, research biobanking, personalised medicine, organoid research, and stem cell research.

Bjørn Hofmann

Participant and work-package leader (WP2) until February 28, 2022

Professor at the Department for Health Sciences at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology at Gjøvik and at the Centre for Medical Ethics, Institute of Health and Society, Faculty of medicine, University of Oslo

Bjørn Hofmann

Institute of Health and Society, Faculty of medicine University of Oslo


Bjørn Hofmann is a professor at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology at Gjøvik and an adjunct professor at the Centre for medical ethics at the University of Oslo. He holds a PhD in philosophy of medicine and is trained both in the natural sciences and in the humanities. His main research interests are philosophy of medicine, philosophy of science, technology assessment, health services research and bioethics. Hofmann teaches ethics, philosophy of science, and philosophy of medicine, at the levels Ba, Ma, and PhD. He has been a researcher at The Norwegian Knowledge Centre for the Health Services (2002-13) and a Harkness fellow (Commonwealth Fund) at the Dartmouth College (2014-15).

Henrik Vogt

Participant in WP2 and since March 1, 2022 leader of WP2 (researcher in 35%-position)

Associate Professor at the Centre for Medical Ethics and the Hybrid Technology Hub, Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo

Henrik Vogt

Faculty of Medicine University of Oslo


Henrik has a diverse, cross-disciplinary background: He is an MD, with experience in general practice, he has also studied History and Philosophy and has a PhD in Public Health on the philosophy of precision medicine as a proposed framework for primary health care (Trondheim, 2017). In his postdoc project at The Hybrid Technology Hub and Centre for Medical Ethics, he is focused on the epistemology of personalized medicine in relation to organ-on-chip research: How to we know what works in the individual patient in this context? He is generally interested in the intersection between ontology and epistemology of medicine on the one hand an ethics and practical implications in medicine and the other. As a medical doctor with a strong interest in public health and wider social issues, but also in deep issued in medical theory, he is focused on issues where such deep issues have practical and ethical impact

Dr. Stefan Krauss

Participant in WP2

Professor and Director of the Hybrid Technology Hub - Centre of Excellence, Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo and Oslo University Hospital

Dr. Stefan Krauss

University of Oslo


Sara Green

Member of WP2 (researcher in 20%-position)

Assistant professor at the Section for History and Philosophy of Science, Department of Science Education, University of Copenhagen

Sara Green

Department of Science Education University of Copenhagen


Sara has a background in philosophy and biology, and a PhD in science studies on the philosophical implications of systems biology (Aarhus 2014). As assistant professor at the Department of Science Education in Copenhagen, her research focuses on modelling and explanation in the biology and medicine, as well as the epistemic and social implications of personalized medicine and health technologies. Sara is the PI of a research project called PROMISE (Philosophy of Personalized Medicine in Practice), funded by the Danish Research Council. Moreover, she is currently affiliated with the research project MeInWe (Personalized Medicine in the Welfare State, PI: Mette Nordahl Svendsen), at the Centre for Medical Science and Technology Studies in Copenhagen. As a member of WP2 in HYBRIDA, Green explores the potential and challenges of using organoids as personalized models, as well as questions about how organoids relate to (and partially may replace) traditional animal models.

Dr. Panagiotis Kavouras

WP3, WP7, and WP8 member

Senior researcher at the School of Chemical Engineering of National Technical University of Athens and Researcher (20% position) at the Centre for Medical Ethics, Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo

Dr. Panagiotis Kavouras

Centre for Medical Ethics University of Oslo (UiO)

WP3, WP7, and WP8

A Physicist by degree, with an MSc in Materials Science and Technology and a PhD in Physics focused on Technology of Materials. Currently, his research interests are characterization of mechanical properties with indentation methods at various length scales and the built up of a metrological approach for the calculation of Surface Free Energy through nano-indentation, as well as research on Research Integrity. His early career research interest was synthesis and characterization of vitreous and glass-ceramic silica-based materials for industrial solid waste management. He is the author of 51 published peer-reviewed papers (47 ISI), 3 book chapters, and 1 textbook on Electricity and Magnetism. He is one of the contact persons and member of the coordinating team of Ethical Aspects in Research and Technology for Human network (EARTHnet), member of the European Network of Research Integrity Offices (ENRIO), the European Network for Ombuds in Higher Education (ENOHE), and the national correspondent for Greece of SUPER-MoRRI project.

Dr. Jun-ya Shoji

Participant in WP2

Postdoctoral fellow, Hybrid Technology Hub - Centre of Excellence, Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, University of Oslo

Dr. Jun-ya Shoji

University of Oslo

Jun-ya received a Ph. D. degree in biotechnology from the University of Tokyo. He is a fungal biologist and bioinformatician with expertise in host-microbe interactions, metagenomics, text mining, coding with R, and data analysis. His role in the HYBRIDA project is to map academic literature on 3D culture model systems through text analysis.

Heidi Beate Bentzen

WP6 member

Researcher at the Centre for Medical Ethics, University of Oslo

Heidi Beate Bentzen

University of Oslo

Heidi Beate Bentzen is a Researcher in law at the Centre for Medical Ethics, University of Oslo, and an Academic Affiliate at the HeLEX Centre for Health, Law and Emerging Technologies, University of Oxford. She researches the legal regulation of large-scale health and genetic data processing, sharing and secondary use both within and outside the EU/EEA, and teaches data protection law and research ethics. Bentzen was a member of the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Right to Privacy's Task Force on privacy and the protection of health data, and was part of drafting the global Recommendation on the protection and use of health-related data. Bentzen is Ethics Advisor for four medical Horizon financed research projects, on the advisory board of two further EU funded projects, and she is a member of the Norwegian Directorate of Health's Bio Reference Group, an expert advisory group for Norwegian authorities in biotechnology related matters. She evaluates proposals for the European Commission and the Dam Foundation, and conducts ethics reviews for the European Commission and a Norwegian Regional Ethics Committee. Her research has been published in journals such as Nature Medicine, Nature Genetics, and Science.

Prof. Costas Charitidis

WP3 and WP8 leader

Professor at the School of Chemical Engineering of NTUA (Director of Department of Materials Science and Engineering)

Prof. Costas Charitidis

National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) Department of Materials Science and Engineering

WP3 & WP8

Prof. Costas A. Charitidis is a professor at the School of Chemical Engineering of NTUA (Director of Department of Materials Science and Engineering), with extensive R&D experience through collaborations with international research centers. He is Co-author of "Research Ethics: A comprehensive strategy on how to minimize research misconduct and the potential misuse of research in EU funded research" (2010), ‘Data protection and privacy ethical guidelines, 2009’, ‘ETHICS REVIEW-Lessons Learned, 2008’. He is also President of the Organizing Committee of the conference entitled 'Towards the Ethics of Research in the Framework Programme Horizon 2020 and the National Strategic Framework for Research, Techno-logical Development and Innovation (ESPEK)" (National Technical University of Athens, 2-3 April (2012). He is appointed representative of the Ethics Committee of NTUA and coordinates the Advisory Ethics Committee of NTUA. He was a member of the panel of seven experts, who drafted the guidelines for the operation of Ethical Committees at an institutional level, at the end of 2017. The document has legal mandate and is part of the new legal framework for the Greek Educational system and will address both issues of Research Ethics and Research Integrity. He is a referee in International scientific journals, evaluator & scientific advisor of R&D projects, in European and National funded R&D projects. He is also involved in EU and National funded projects. Prof. Charitidis is the author of 184 published papers in ISI journal. His work has received 5469 citations (h-index 40, according to Google scholar). He is the coordinator of Ethical Aspects in Research and Technology for Human network (EARTHnet).

Dr. Eleni Spyrakou

WP3 and WP8 member

Senior researcher, School of Chemical Engineering of National Technical University of Athens

Dr. Eleni Spyrakou

School of Chemical Engineering National Technical University of Athens (NTUA)

WP3 & WP8

A philosopher by degree, with an MPhil in Philosophy focused on Ethics and a PhD (Hons) in Philosophy focused on Political Philosophy. Her main research interests include applied ethics (bioethics, environmental ethics, business ethics, research ethics and integrity), the ethics-politics relation and its epistemological problems, the methodology/ies of social sciences. She is the translator of written-in-English scientific papers into Greek in a collective volumes on the philosophy of on emerging literacy and its applications on Education (textbook for students of Greek Universities’ Departments of Education), the author of 3 book reviews, and she has 8 participations in national/international conferences.

Vana Stavridi

WP3 and WP8 member

Junior researcher, School of Chemical Engineering of National Technical University of Athens

Vana Stavridi

School of Chemical Engineering National Technical University of Athens (NTUA)

WP3 & WP8

A philosopher by degree, with an MPhil in Philosophy focused on Science and Society. Her main research interests are in epistemology and ethics, methodology of social sciences, social determination of knowledge and the problem of analysing social relations in a philosophically informed way. She has participation in national and international conferences and she was member of ‘’Laboratory of Philosophical Research and Translation’’. She has translated into Greek, written in English papers in a collective volume on Critical Pedagogy.

Prof. Mylène Botbol-Baum

WP1 leader and WP5 member

Professor, Faculties of Philosophy and of Public Health; head of the Bioethics Center HELESI, UCLouvain, Belgium

Prof. Mylène Botbol-Baum

A philosopher by degree, PhD from Marquette University (US of A). She is professor of Philosophy and Bioethics in the faculties of Medicine, Philosophical Sciences, and Public Health of the UCL (Université Catholique de Louvain) in Brussels, Belgium. She is responsible of the Bioethics Center HELESI (Health, Ethics, Law, Economy and Social Issues, see She is a founding member of the research group Center Europè at the Institute of Philosophy (UCL), former member of the Geneva University Ethical Committee (2010-2015), member of the INSERM Ethical Committee in Paris since 2013, and was a member of the Belgian Consultative Commission on Bioethics from 2000 to 2014. She is a member of the scientific committee of ARRIGE. She has authored more than 150 academic papers and several books in bioethics and in philosophy. Her current interests cover bioethics of emerging technologies, genome editing, organoid research, and epistemology of bioethics.

Prof. Charles Pence

WP1 member

Chargé de cours (Assistant Professor), Institut supérieur de philosophie, Université catholique de Louvain

Prof. Charles Pence

Institut supérieur de philosophie Université catholique de Louvain


I am a philosopher and historian of science and technology, working as Chargé de cours in the Institut supérieur de philosophie and the Faculté de philosophie, arts et lettres at the Université catholique de Louvain in Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium. I am the director there of the Centre de philosophie des sciences et sociétés (Center for Philosophy of Science and Society, or CEFISES). I am also a co-editor of the journal Philosophy, Theory, and Practice in Biology. I hold an A.B. in philosophy from Princeton, and a Ph.D. in the history and philosophy of science from the University of Notre Dame. My research spans the contemporary philosophy of biology (especially evolutionary theory), the history of biology (especially the life sciences at the end of the nineteenth and beginning of the twentieth centuries), and the ethics of science and technology. My research group has also focused extensively on the application and use of the tools of digital humanities in the philosophy and history of science.

Dr. Maxence Gaillard

WP1, WP2 and WP5 member

Researcher, University of Oslo

Dr. Maxence Gaillard

University of Oslo

WP1 & WP2 & WP5

A philosopher of science, he was trained in philosophy and cognitive science in France (Paris, Lyon). He dedicated his PhD thesis to a philosophical inquiry into brain imaging. His areas of interest include history and philosophy of neuroscience and cognitive science, neuroethics, philosophy of technology, science policy, and medical humanities. At the most general level, he is questioning tools, equipment, and technology developed and used in scientific research. How do tools contribute to the dynamics of science? How are the means and ends of scientific inquiry defined? Insights from various subfields of philosophy will contribute to HYBRIDA’s conceptual framework. Prior to joining HYBRIDA, he spent several years in Japan as the recipient of a JSPS fellowship, with a research project in the philosophy of neuroscience and technology.

Tine Ravn

Leading WP4

Assistant professor at the Danish Centre for Studies in Research and Research Policy, Department of Polical Science, Aarhus University

Tine Ravn

Department of Polical Science Aarhus University


A sociologist by degree and a PhD in social science focusing on the socio-cultural aspects of reproductive technologies in relation to new family constellations, gender and identity. Her work broadly concerns the relationship between science and society with a particular focus on the social aspects of emerging technologies, public engagement with science and society, research integrity, research ethics and responsible research and innovation. She has published in journals such as Research Ethics, Science and Public Policy and Science and Engineering Ethics. She has also authored and co-authored three books, including Lived Realities of Solo Motherhood, Donor Conception and Medically Assisted Reproduction (Ravn, Bingly: Emerald Publishing, forthcoming, Sep 2021) and Social Theory: A Textbook. London & New York: Routledge (Laustsen, Larsen, Nielsen, Ravn, and Sørensen, 2017). She has been involved in a number of national and European projects on public engagement (MASIS, PLACES, PE2020), RRI (MORRI, TeRRItoria) and research ethics and research integrity (PRINT, ENERI, SOPS4RI), among others.

Dr. Mads P. Sørensen

Leading WP4

Senior researcher, Danish Centre for Studies in Research and Research Policy, Department of Polical Science, Aarhus University

Dr. Mads P. Sørensen

Department of Polical Science Aarhus University


Historian of Ideas (Ph.D. and MA/Cand. mag) from Aarhus University. His current research interests include Research on the Research Process (incl. Research Integrity and Research misconduct), Risk and Uncertainty, Non-Knowledge, and Social Theory (especially Risk Society Theory). His work is published in journals such as Higher Education; Science and Public Policy; Theory, Culture and Society; Media, Culture and Society; Journal of Informetrics; and Public Understanding of Science. He is likewise the author and co-author of several books, including: The Responsible University: Exploring the Nordic Context and Beyond, Palgrave Macmillan (Sørensen, Geschwind, Kekäle and Pinheiro, eds. 2019), Social Theory: A Textbook. London & New York: Routledge (Laustsen, Larsen, Nielsen, Ravn, and Sørensen, 2017), Ulrich Beck. An Introduction to the Theory of Second Modernity and the Risk Society. New York: Taylor & Francis/Routledge (Sørensen & Christiansen, 2012). He has led a number of national and international research projects and is currently co-coordinating the Horizon 2020 research integrity project SOPs4RI.

Louise Isgaard Saugstrup

WP4 member

Research assistant, the Danish Centre for Studies in Research and Research Policy, Aarhus University

Louise Isgaard Saugstrup

Aarhus University


Research assistant at the Danish Center for Studies in Research and Research Policy (CFA) at Aarhus University. She holds a master’s degree in Educational Sociology from Aarhus University and her former work have primarily focused on research policy, gender equality in academia, and organizational change. She is experienced in qualitative methodologies such as research design, data collection and analysis, as well as coordination and administrative tasks. In HYBRIDA she is a member of WP4 and will be involved in the organizing of the deliberative workshops.

Christine Mummery Ph.D.

WP2, WP5 and WP6 member

Professor of Developmental Biology and heads the iPSC&OoC Hotel facility in the LUMC

Christine Mummery Ph.D.


WP2, WP5 & WP6

Christine Mummery is Professor of Developmental Biology and heads the iPSC&OoC Hotel facility in the LUMC. She trained in Biophysics from the University of London and after her PhD was Royal Society postdoctoral fellow at the Hubrecht Institute in Utrecht, where she later became staff member and group leader. She was Professor of Developmental Biology at the Hubrecht Institute until 2007 and after a sabbatical at the Harvard Stem Cell Institute introduced human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSC) to the Netherlands. In 2008, she became Chair of Developmental Biology at Leiden University Medical Centre and was department head from 2009-2020. In 2015, guest professor at the University of Twente. In 2010, she co-founded NCardia bv as an LUMC spin out. Her current research concerns modelling cardiovascular diseases using stem cells from patients and developing organ-on-chip models of multiple organs for safety pharmacology and potential disease and drug targets. She led an NWO Gravity proposal that was awarded a multimillion grant for this purpose in 2017 and holds European Research Council Advanced and Proof-of-Concept grants. She co-founded the European Organ on Chip Society and the Netherlands Human Disease Modelling Technology organization ( She is a member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Science (KNAW) and is president of the International Society of Stem Cell research (ISSCR). She was founding editor of the ISSCR journal Stem Cell Reports. Her ambitions include promoting women and minorities in STEM. She is on several scientific advisory boards including the Hubrecht Institute, the Allen Institute, Mogrify and Sartorius Gmbh.

Dr. Hervé Chneiweiss

WP5 leader

Research director at CNRS, Neurologist at La Salpétrière (AP-HP), Chair INSERM Ethics Committee, Chair UNESCO Bioethics Committee

Dr. Hervé Chneiweiss

Hervé Chneiweiss (MD-PhD) is a neurologist and neuroscientist, research director at the CNRS, he has been involved in neurogenetic research on diseases such as cerebellar ataxias and then the molecular mechanisms involved in glial plasticity and the development of brain tumors. Technical approaches include proteomics, metabolism, epigenetics, cell cultures, animal models, single cell. He has published over 170 original scientific papers (h=46). He is currently director of the Neuroscience Paris Seine - IBPS research center (CNRS/Inserm/ Sorbonne University). HC is also involved in bioethics, first (2000-2002) adviser for life sciences and bioethics to the Minister of Research and Technology, member of the Scientific Council of the Parliamentary Office for Scientific and Techniques assessment (2003-2016), member of the National Consultative Ethics Committee (CCNE; 2013-2017), and currently as Chairman of the Inserm Ethics Committee and of the UNESCO International Bioethics Committee. Former editor in chief of Medicine/Sciences (2006-16). He has published several books for the general public (latest: "Notre cerveau", L’Iconoclaste, 2019).

Ioana Andreescu

WP5 project manager

Project manager at Inserm

Ioana Andreescu

PhD in Sociology, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales (EHESS), Paris, 2016. November 2016 - December 2019 : Program Development Officer, EIT Health and Sorbonne University, Paris. Develop and implement a development strategy for better harmonization of innovative health programs within the European Union (innovative pedagogies, student mobility in companies, dual degrees, entrepreneurial skills). Speaks fluently Roumanian, French, English, Italian.

Dr. Bernard Baertschi

WP5 member

Member of the INSERM Ethics Committee (CEI)

Dr. Bernard Baertschi

A Philosopher by degree, he was Senior Lecturer at the Institute for Biomedical Ethics and at the Department of Philosophy in the University of Geneva (Switzerland) till 2014, when he retired. His doctoral dissertation was dedicated to a French philosopher from the post-enlightenment, Maine de Biran, but he was soon interested in moral philosophy and bioethics. He was a member of several ethics committee in Switzerland: the Federal Ethics Committee on Non-Human Biotechnolocy (ECNH), the Ethics Committee for Animal Experimentation of the Swiss Academy of Science (ScNat), and in France he is presently member of the Inserm Ethics Committee, where he leads the Working Group on organoids. He published several books on the ethics of biotechnologies (genetic engineering and medically assisted procreation), of synthetic biology and of neurosciences.

Dr. Anne Dubart-Kupperschmitt

WP5 member

Research director emeritus

Dr. Anne Dubart-Kupperschmitt

MD by degree, with an MSc in molecular biology, Dr. Anne Dubart-Kupperschmitt has a long experience and expertise in the biology of human stem cells, gene transfer and molecular and cellular gene therapies. Her research interests are currently focused on the differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells into hepatic cells, mainly hepatocytes and cholangiocytes, as well as the generation of liver organoids from patient-specific iPSCs in order to model liver diseases, setup gene/cell therapy approaches or for drug screening and toxicology studies. She published more than 100 peer-reviewed articles. She is a member of the steering committee of Research Group on organoids of the French alliance for life sciences (Aviesan) in health technologies and molecular basis of life, where she is more specifically in charge of the bioethics work package. She is also member of the Inserm Ethics Committee.

Dr. Jean-Luc Galzi

WP5 member

Senior researcher, School of Biotechnology of the university of Strasbourg

Dr. Jean-Luc Galzi

Dr. Jean-Luc Galzi graduated in biochemistry before receiving his PhD in biorganic chemistry. He then trained 8 more years in molecular neurobiology at the Pasteur Institute, Paris, before starting his own research group on dynamics and pharmacology of G Protein-coupled Receptors in Strasbourg. He is currently research director at the CNRS, Director of the Research Institute of the School of Biotechnolgy and principal investigator in chemical biology of chemokines and their receptors. His research interests are in pharmacology, and to do so, in all techniques and tools facilitating drug discovery and development. He published more then 100 peer-reviewed articles mostly in chemistry and pharmacology, filed 10 patents and founded a start up company in drug discovery. JL Galzi is currently directing a national research infrastructure in bioactive compound discovery (probes and drug candidates) comprising academic chemical libraries, screening platforms, chemoinformatics and preclinical ADME studies. He also coordinates a work group on organoids with four main topics on design and construction, characterization, applications and training on organoids, and is member of the scientific advisory boards of the Institute of Chemistry of the CNRS, and two institutes (ITMO) of the French alliance for life sciences (Aviesan) in health technologies and molecular basis of life.

Pr. Jacques Haiech

WP5 member

Honorary Professor of Biotechnology at the University of Strasbourg

Pr. Jacques Haiech

Jacques Haiech is Honorary Professor of Biotechnology at the University of Strasbourg. He holds a master's degree and an agrégation in Mathematics, a master's degree and a thesis in Biology. He has worked on the understanding of information management by the cell both in its fundamental research aspect and to develop drugs (oncology and inflammatory pathologies). Through his responsibilities in research administration (Director of the National Genomics Program, Director of the Biology-Health Department of the French Ministry of Research and Higher Education, Scientific Delegate to the AERES), he has worked on research evaluation methodologies and more recently, on the links between scientific integrity and modes of evaluation of scientists.

Prof. Mario Picozzi

WP1, WP3 and WP4 member

Associate Professor, School of Medicine, Insubria University, Varese

Prof. Mario Picozzi

School of Medicine Insubria University

WP1, WP3 & WP4

A Medical Doctor by degree, with a PhD in Medical Ethics at University of Siena and a Specialization in Forensic medicine at Insubria University, Varese. He is Director of the Center for Clinical Ethics at Insubria University. Currently, his main research interests include clinical ethics consultation (the core competencies of the clinical ethics consultant, certification and evaluation of the clinical ethics consultant, neutrality in clinical ethics consultation, training program for clinical ethics consultation), organ transplantation (allocation of scarce organs, ethical and legal issues concerning organ donation after circulatory death), informed consent (for fetal research, for medical research on minors and in emergency, by the mentally ill). He is the author of 110 published papers, 10 volumes, 12 edited volumes. He is member of the European Clinical ethIcs Network, the European Association of Centres of Medical Ethics, Corresponding member of the Pontifical Academy of Life, Vice President of the Italian Group of Ethics Consultation.